Saturday, January 30, 2021


 WHY is Broccoli so DELICIOUS
(and hard to SPELL!!!)

It takes FOREVER for this stuff to be
ready to harvest!
Like 3+ months!

We planted these a good three months ago.

We FINALLY have baby brocolli's
but it will still be a couple weeks before they
are anywhere near ready to harvest.

So unless you have a HUGE garden just for
broccoli, what's the point?????

We have 8 or 10 plants.

Which means we might have enough fresh 
to eat for a week, maybe two.

But it took EONS for it to grow!

It's YUMMY when its fresh.
But my goodness!!!!!!!

Kyle and I have decided it's banished.

(Unless we end up with an empty bed.)
Also, they don't need nearly the amount of 
space it said on the packet, so if we DO
plant then again, they are going WAY 
closer together!


Also, this picture was a couple of days ago.
The peas are growing... slowly... but check out the BEANS!
Top right-ish next to the lack luster tomatoes (which
have since been YANKED from the garden...).
Those green beans are COVERED in flowers and beans!
I'm excited for FRESH GREEN BEANS maybe by Monday?

The seed catalog said these are heavy producers and it
seems they didn't lie!

I didn't take a picture,
but the peas on the trellis are doing really well.
They never get as tall as advertised, but they are
popping out peas now.
Which is good because I'm afraid after this next
cold front (Tues) that might be it for our "winter"
and then its going to be too hot.


And we pulled two CARROTS! and ate them for
"breakfast" yesterday standing in the garden!

They were so sweet and yummy!
They were only as big as your biggest finger,
but better than the silly little hair-sized things we
were getting!

Winter gardening.
It's a THING!!!!!

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