Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Another SUPER Busy Day!

 I got NOTHING accomplished yesterday because
I ended up working at the Town until 5:00
and then had to come home and teach until 9.


Today I considered going in to the town
(Denine is out all week)
but I just had TOO MUCH to do!

We started the day with breakfast (peach smoothie and 
a bowl of oatmeal), feeding the animals, and a quick
run to town.
WalMart to return the crates I bought to
organize the stand up freezer (they are too big)
and buy new ones,
Tractor Supply for feed for Buddy (he gets fancy
senior feed because he's old as dirt and
doesn't have any teeth...)
Sam's Club for a couple of random things we needed,
and then Pinch a Penny because apparently pool 
chlorine is the new toilet paper.
(And my pool turned green overnight... lol)


When we got home and unloaded everything,
 I pulled out the food saver and bagged up
the rabbits that have been in the fridge since Sunday.
(Open my fridges at your own risk!)

They are going to be yummy!
(pressure cooker with apple juice and a couple slices of BACON!)

Then Kyle got out the meat grinder and got started on
all the liver, heart, tongue etc we found in the freezer
from the last set of steers (and some liver from the rabbits)...

Once he got that all ground up, I moved it over to a 
dutch oven on the stove and cooked it up.
Dogs do NOT need their meat cooked,
(show me a coyote with a campfire... lol)
but I figured if they stashed it behind their crates
it would maybe stink less if it was cooked than 
if it was raw? Maybe?
(Bandit has a terrible habit of "hiding" food.)

There was a LOT.
Then I got a giant box of instant mashed potatoes
I bought several months ago that we didn't like
and cooked those up to mix with the meat,
along with some freezer burned veggies I found...

Dog food!
We tested it on Beau and he was THRILLED!

It took several hours, but I ended up with 5 big containers
(they each weigh a couple of pounds!)
(and half a gallon ziplock).
We ran out of potatoes part way through so I used some
of our food storage white rice for the rest.
There's still almost the same amount again of meat
that I cooked up and put in a food saver bag in the freezer too.
So next time I just have to make the starch and the veggies.

So this was basically FREE!
I put the rice on at 3:00 and then dashed to the town
(in my nasty, liver smelling, blood spattered shirt... lol)
just to make sure the building inspector got all the
inspections he was supposed to do today.
And then dashed home again.
(Town Hall is 3 minutes from the farm...)
Finished up the dog food at 5:00.
Ate a salad (first food since breakfast) until 5:30
(it was a BIG salad)
and then at 5:30 I started my Zoom for the evening.
Just finished now (10:00)
and it is time for BED!
Tomorrow it's back to the Town and then teach 
again from 7-9.
And Friday Rod is off (he took every Friday off
until he retires - he has a LOT of time off built up)
and we are going to drive up to the feed mill and
get the feed for the cows/horses/chickens for the month.

(Oh, and tomorrow Kyle is taking his new tractor up
to the dealer {1.5 hours away} to have them install
the parts they didn't have when he bought it.)

On that note...

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