Monday, July 19, 2021

Still Here~~~

 Holy Moley!

It's been a whirl wind couple of days.

Saturday I made 25 lunches/dinners
10 breakfasts (including homemade english muffins)

as well as banana bread 

sprouted wheat flour french bread!


Made WITHOUT my mixmaster!
Used only my Danish Wisk!
I was pretty pleased with how it turned out.
And Rod likes it, so that's a WIN!

LOTS of food flying around in the kitchen!
(Oh yeah, and finished up freezing the mangos 
and peaches...)

Sunday I went early to the other ward to
conduct the Sr Primary (and play the piano)
since the Pres had to work, the 1st counsellor
was in Jr and the 2nd was out of town.
And they haven't called a new secretary yet.

Then we stayed for our Sac Mtg and then
I went to OUR ward's Sr Primary.
BIG difference.
We have 6.
(they have... 18?) 
I forgot to count...

And then my co-worker Denine called and she
is again in the hospital. This time for an infected
cyst on her elbow they were afraid was mersa.
So could I cover this week at work?

And then, of course, it is also my week to teach
the evening classes. So I just finished up THAT!
And Rod and I dispatched (haha) all the rabbits
last night. I was going to do it Saturday, but
he spent most of the day replacing the light out
on a pole by the cow pasture and chicken yard
and I was cooking up a storm so we were both tired.
We would have put it off again, but I planned it out
so we ran out of rabbit food.
Time for freezer camp.

It went better than I thought it might.
We got it done.
And I'm not likely going to do rabbits again.
It's like having a baby.
I'm NEVER doing this again!
(time passes)
We should have another baby!
(ok, not exactly, but you get the point)

It's back to the office again tomorrow.
And then another Zoom class.
And then possibly back to the office on Wed.
Although I REALLY need to finish the rabbits
after they have been in the fridge (eeeeuuuuwww)
for 24-48 hours.
And then I have to teach until 10 again.
So maybe no office.
We'll see...


That's what I've been up to...
Kind of.

1 comment:

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Wow, that's a LOT of kitchen work. And rabbit work. Yay food!