Monday, July 5, 2021

Dog Food

 You know I batch cook Rod's meals for the week.
5 breakfasts, lunches and dinners.

Well, this week Kyle and I ran the math and
decided we were spending WAAAAY too much
money on dog food they didn't even like.
(And sometimes didn't eat...)

So we made a run to Sam's Club and bought
all the stuff.

I didn't take pictures.
It was a MESS!

We bought (yes, bought) 15 dozen eggs.
They are SUPER cheap and I don't have that
many laying around here.
I actually did LAST week, but we sold them all.

I bought 15 dozen eggs,
2 big bags of frozen mixed veggies
and I already had lots of brown and white rice.

A flat of 5 dozen eggs into my dutch oven.
Scrambled them along with 1/3 bag of veggies.
Meanwhile, cook 6 servings of rice.

Mix it all together.
(That's where the biggest mess came in...)
And then put it into freezer bags.

Lather, Rinse, Repeat.
(in other words, do it all again.)
(And again)
(And again)
(And again)

I ended up with a LOT of dog food!
(basically refried rice... lol)

The eggs are the protein.
Rice is the starch / carb.
Veggies - well, veggies... lol.

Right now they are scarfing it down.
This will last for 2 weeks.
I expect as their bodies get used to the higher
quality nutrition compared to what they were
getting (mostly filler) they will not require
as much to fill them up.
And then it will be 30 days of food.
But even if it only lasts for 2 weeks we are
still saving a BUNCH of money.

So I'm happy.
And so are the dogs.

Happy Independence Day!

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