Sunday, February 20, 2022

Annual Rodeo

 We really enjoy going to the Silver Spurs Rodeo.
We try to go every year, but sometimes I'm
out of town teaching....

Last night was a really good one!

There was LOTS of rough stock action.
And lots of steer wrestling and
calf roping and barrel racing.

And then they set up some big garbage pails
in a barrel pattern, but much closer together.
And brought out 4 young men from the local
high school (probably the rodeo team?)
(They weren't big enough to be football players...)

they followed the clown and ran the
barrel pattern, and then an assistant brought
out 4 BIG yard size garbage pails and they
had to put them on their heads. 
Covered them to their waists.
And then they had to run the barrel pattern.

They had a good time hamming it up,
intentionally ran into each other,
lots of pile ups....
One headed straight down the arena
and ran into the back wall at full run.
Bounced back a good ways.

They had a blast.
And the crowd LOVED it!

Speaking of the crowd,
it was a FULL house.
Sold out.
Standing room only.
(Notice all the people standing at the top
all the way around the arena!)

It was packed!
Everyone seemed to have a good time.
The clown and announcer had a good
time teasing folks from other states and how
they compare to Florida.
All in good fun.

This clown has been working this rodeo 
for 27 years and gets better every year.

"Anti-Photo" Kyle was there with us.
We had a really good time!

Traffic was a nightmare getting INTO the facility
because they were also running the fair.
It took an hour to drive to Kissimmee and
probably another 30+ minutes to get into a
parking spot. The line to TURN into the road that
leads to the road to the parking was three miles long!

We stayed long after it was over to give the impatient
ones a chance to get out of the parking fields.
Rod was walking by the concession as they
were closing and a young lady handed him
two trays of chips and cheese (nachos???)
for free... so we shared a snack
and then we headed home.
Kyle chauffeured us in his fancy new truck.
He fit right in with all the rest of the
big fancy trucks.

A good time was had by all!!!

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Kyle has a big fancy truck? Do tell!