Friday, February 11, 2022

The EYES Have It!

 Yesterday afternoon I took Rod to the Dr.
And he had cataract surgery on his left eye.

These days he actually sees better without his
glasses in many cases, but the cataract was 
starting to really bug him, so we decided it was
time to get it taken care of.

The patient is doing well!
He lost his sight in the bottom quadrant of his
RIGHT eye - maybe because of the two retina detachments?
Or the glaucoma? Or who knows?
But he deals well with it.
Until you put a patch over his LEFT eye!
Now he can't see anything below about chest level.

And Beau insists on walking / sitting right
under our feet.
So poor Rod is having to be VERY careful
how he walks so he doesn't trip.

But other than that, and the fact that he can't
bend forward, backward or to the side for
TWO WEEKS (or lift anything over 5-10 pounds)
he is doing really well.
He goes in for a follow up this afternoon
and I expect her to be very pleased.