Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Ice Cream!!!

 AND we are experimenting again.

Monday we went to the grocery store and bought
FIVE different flavors of ice cream.

Pistachio Almond.
Mint Chocolate Chip.
Butter Pecan.
Cookies and Cream.
Root Beer Float.

And then we scooped them out onto trays
and put them back in the freezer to harden up.

 I bought fancy lids for my trays,
but these are a little tall so I'm using those
little pizza stacker thingies again.

I had to work late Monday night so we didn't get them
in the machine until early 11:30 pm.
They take about 24+ hours to dry.

So they were still working when we went to bed last night.
This morning I got up and pulled them out.

We have five bags of FUN and YUMMY
treats this morning!
Rod is taking a variety pack with him for
his lunch and I have a variety pack for me
to take with me to the Town later this morning.
And the rest are on the counter.

Then I re-packed the trays with the rest of the
ice cream and they are back in the freezer
for the next round.
The guy we watched on YouTube did them on
cookie sheets and then when they were re-frozen
solid he packed them tightly on his actual trays.
But we were experimenting and 
1. didn't want to wait that long
2. weren't sure which flavors were going to work.

I also tried just dumping the whole tub of
mint chocolate chip on the tray and spreading
it with my off-set spatula and then putting a
divider thingie onto it to make it into squares.
It was easier, but I'm not happy with the result.

Notice the big bag on the top left.
Those are the squares.
They are too big for a single bite
and they fall apart if you try to bite them.
The others are a better size.

So I did 4 more trays of ice cream (that's all I had left)
and then did a tray of frozen avocado that I bought
at Costco the other week.
(before we cancelled our membership.)

We'll see how THOSE work.
(I did a very loose, small load because if they
don't work, I don't want to waste them!)

So..... it will take about 2 hours for the machine
to re-set. It has to thaw the ice from the previous
round and then get back down to 0F.
And then I'll put in the next batch, so we should have
more ice cream chunks sometimes tomorrow afternoon-ish.

This is such a fun adventure!!!!!

Oh yeah!
We LOVE the root beer float - it tastes VERY
root beer-ish.
The cookies and cream is really good too.
I think my least favorite is the pistachio which is 
strange because I love that flavor of ice cream.
And the mint chocolate will be awesome
once we do the right sizes.....

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