Friday, December 16, 2022

Sunday RS Update

 Sondra reminded me that I hadn't told
"the rest of the story"
about our Sunday RS lesson.

My amazing counselor (Indira) took that
ball and RAN with it.
They did Christmas Carol (hymn) requests
and then after the request whoever it was
had to tell WHY they chose it and what it means to them.

It was a very spiritual and uplifting hour.
AND, they released our Elder's Quorum President
and called a new one, and then after that, the
Stake President excused himself from EQ and
headed to Relief Society!
We also had the Stake RS 1st Counselor visit.
So I'm glad it all worked out well.
Our Stake Pres (my former Bishop) is from a 
VERY musically talented family, so any time
there is music, he is ALL over it.
I'm sure he was pleased.

That's how THAT went.
Last night I met with the Bishop
(informal, and then the rest of his Bishopric
showed up and we ended up doing a meeting,
I just was invited to stay.... until 10:30!)
He said he wasn't joking when he said they 
forgot the food for the brunch!
Everybody thought the other guy was in charge.
So they dashed to the grocery store and within
24 minutes (hahahahaha such an engineer) they were
up and running and getting ready to serve pancakes.

Lots of pictures on Facebook of people enjoying
their breakfast AND destroying gingerbread 
houses by various means (flinging with a catapult,
beating with a golf club, etc.....)
Much fun was had by all.

Now you know, "the rest of the story..."

Gratuitous photo of my advent calendar I made with
our Relief Society back when Kathy Salter was the President.
And my kids were LITTLE.
This thing has to be like 25+ years old!
But I still love it and Rod and I are taking turns
opening the pockets and adding to the nativity.


UPS just delivered a box from Mom and Dad!
Thank you for the Christmas gifts!
We are already enjoying the wonderful dried fruit!

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