Thursday, October 19, 2023

Night Relief Society

 The meeting formally known as Homemaking.
Or whatever they are calling it these days...

We had a good turnout (for us) on Tuesday evening.

My activities chair is pregnant and REALLY sick
so she kind of forgot until the last minute.
And then when I got there I found out the only
other committee member is also pregnant!

Don't drink the water in Palm Bay!

We had some stuff leftover from Super Saturday.
So they threw together a quick activity of
painting the covers of Book of Mormons.
All the cool kids are doing it these days.

Of course I forgot to take pictures until lots of people
were done and getting ready to leave.

I think we had 14 sisters.
They had a good time painting.
All but 2 of them did books.
One brought her own needlework and another
just came to eat and visit,
(And I didn't do one, cuz ... packing!)

They had a good time chatting and painting.
And it was nice to get to say goodbye to 
some of the sisters who work in the other

I'll be leaving for Tampa in a couple of hours,
so I'll miss this Sunday and we are
LEAVING next Sunday morning!
So.... that's it for Palm Bay 3rd Ward!

It has been a wonderful ward.
I brought stamps and lots of notecards
so I can send a note to all the sisters in
my presidency and some of my other
special friends.

End of a chapter.

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