Monday, September 30, 2024

AAAAAND I Got Released.

 Last week after Sacrament Meeting,
the 1st C in the Bishopric asked to
have a "little chat". 
I've already spoken in church
and I have a calling.....

But he said, this will require that we
release you from all your callings.

They feel inspired to call me to be the
First Counselor in the brand new
Young Women's Presidency.

Megan Whitmer is the new president,
she hasn't been in YW since the 80's.
I haven't been in Mutual since the 70's.
And Britton Chunn, the 2nd C is younger
and it's been about 10 years for her.

We are all pretty much winging it.

But I think it will be fine.
We have a good group of young women.

I DID accept based on the caveats that I
teach every Wednesday evening (when they meet)
and I'm building a new house in a different Stake.
But with those... if you still want me, I'll 
be happy to accept the calling.

So they set us apart yesterday.
I imagine we will be meeting at some point in the
next week or so to figure out what we are doing.
But luckily it's General Conference this weekend
and then Stake Conference next weekend.
(And we plan to attend the other "new" ward
just to get the lay of the land...)


Never a dull moment around here!

I have the feeling I'm going to be doing a LOT
of this in the near future.

Today Kyle and I need to make a run into Hays.
He needs wood from Home Depot and I need some
groceries, enough to make the trip worth while.
I shop at our little town grocery store (Malay's)
if its just a few items.
They mark everything up pretty significantly.
They sometimes have good sales on things,
but if I just need milk or one ingredient, I'll
shop in town.
But if we need GROCERIES, then it's to Walmart
in Hays.

And then I'm going to pickle the rest of the okra.
I got the rest of the zucchini cut into french fry
slices and tossed in the Everything Bagel seasoning
and it's in the freeze dryer now.
I sold out on Saturday.
And I sold out of peaches.
I brought one big bag and made up 9 little bags
and a "sample" jar. Gave out all the samples
and sold all the little bags.

We didn't have a very big turnout.
There was a big estate auction just outside of town.
Like you see in the movies, with a live auctioneer
and "everything must go".
EVERYBODY went to that, if only for the fun.

We still sold some stuff, about half the lemon cukes,
several zucchinis, and some freeze dried things.
We (the other vendors) decided to keep it going
until first frost.
Or the people quit coming, whichever happens first.
But the other main vendor decided it should be 9-noon
instead of 8-11 now that it is chilly in the early mornings
and everybody has stuff to do.
There are a couple who come right at 8,
then it's pretty dead until about 10-ish.
With another flush about 11, just as we are packing up.

After the market we went to his sister's,
Annie's, she is the woman who gave us all the
Johnnathan apples to freeze dry.
They were YUMMY and we sold quite a few.
We took her two bags of apples and 2 bags of 
salt water taffy. And then we sat at her little
outdoor table in the shade in her backyard and
visited for about an hour!
George, her brother, the other vendor, and her
oldest son, Jake, also stopped by and we
had a nice chat.
And then they gave us some YUMMY zucchini
cake with cream cheese frosting to take home
for our lunch.


Gotta get this day started.
I need to buy some bananas and get those in the 
freeze dryer some time this week, I had some
folks who were lamenting that I didn't have any
and that was their "FAVORITE" thing.
I won't do five trays of them, but one tray should
take care of that... 
And maybe I'll buy a couple boxes of ice cream
sandwiches and do those at the same time.
I'm almost out of those as well. I think I have 3 bags.
(Just thinking out loud here...)



1 comment:

rktucson said...

Just getting caught up on your blogs! Great Reading! Congrats on your new calling _ and good luck!