Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Typical Tuesday (ie: BUSY)

 The day started nice and early.
Rod got up, did the dishes from
last night (we are guilty of going
to bed with a messy kitchen...
that's what happens when I teach until
9:30 and THEN we have dinner...)

Rod made a yummy chuck tender roast
in the pressure cooker while I was
busy teaching and Kyle was at the farm.

So, then Rod made some pancakes 
for us to eat for breakfast.
(Sensing a theme here? He's quickly
becoming a good cook!)

After that was all done and cleared away,
I finished up the salt water taffy I had
started yesterday.
(I FORGOT it was in the freeze dryer
until nearly midnight! It was done when
I finished teaching, but so was dinner 
and then we started watching our nightly
episodes of JAG on Amazon Prime...
and I just forgot...)

Yesterday morning I unwrapped and cut into quarters
20 candies per tray. I was worried they were too close
together and would stick.
(HA! I can easily do DOUBLE that... good to 
know for next time.)

This is 100 candies, 20 per tray with a total of 5 trays.
(One was still on the other counter...)

So after breakfast, I pulled them out of the FD and
got them all into bags for this week's market.
There are 20 candies per bag and then about
40 in the "sample" jar.
I find if they taste it, they buy it.
At least 50% of the time. 
When originally they just said "I have a
dehydrator..." (like, I can do this myself.)
But once they taste, they usually buy SOMETHING.
(Not always, but samples have definitely
increased our sales...)

Then I got 5 more trays of grated zucchini 
out of the deep freeze and onto trays
and into the freeze dryer.

Meanwhile, the AC guy showed up with his
assistant and they took a look at our unit.
Determined it was over 30 years old and
needed a new fan motor, which 
he would need to special order.
So he'll be back...

Then it was time to get those cucumbers into jars.
This time I decided to do chips instead of spears.
It took FOREVER to slice them on my
mandolin and then get them stuffed into 
the jars so there was little/no air space.

But I got it done.
And now I'm just waiting patiently (HA)
for them do do their satisfying little
POP to signify they sealed.


Meanwhile, Rod is painting all the baseboards
and trim in the living room.
Kyle painted all the walls when he was here
by himself in March, but he "doesn't do trim". 

Slow but steady.
We are getting it all done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Candy! Such a great idea! 🍬♥️
We miss yous!