Thursday, September 5, 2024


 We have been bringing pounds and pounds
of zucchini home from the farm every day.

That's not even all of them!

This morning I broke out my food processor
(I forgot I had it...)
and we grated two crates full.

We ended up with 17 gallon ziplock bags
full of grated zucchini to put in the
freeze dryer!
Rod got the upright deep freeze plugged
in the other day so it was nice and cold.
Then he made some cardboard liners for
the shelves, since they are wire and when
you try to put bags of stuff it falls through
the wires and then it freezes all wonky.

Right now I have 2 trays of Honey Crisp apples
and 2 trays of Granny Smith apples and
1 tray of tomatoes in there drying.
All from the farmer's market!
I put them through the french fry cutter
and then tossed them with pumpkin pie spice.
They are a HIT with the folks in town.

The zucchini is getting good and frozen
so when the FD is done, it will be ready 
for its turn.

We also have a full crate of yellow squash.
That needs to get processed next.
But I bought a fancy new food processor
that should arrive tomorrow.
It will DICE stuff!
I'm so excited!!!!
I want to dice the yellow squash and a
bunch more zucchini.

Oh yeah.

We also got a great haul of okra and 
green beans!

So Rod washed zucchini,
Kyle cut it into halves
and I ran it through the grater.
We were all done in about an hour.

Then he cut a bag or so of okra.
I think I still have 2 or 3 more in the fridge.
Maybe I'll try to cut some this evening.

We had to run into Hays to Home Depot
to get some more supplies for the fence
and then WalMart for some lighter fluid
for the BBQ (Kyle used rubbing alcohol the 
other night - not the best idea he ever had...)
and some pickling spice and salt to make
some dill pickles with.

Wish me luck!
I've never made a pickle!
But I have a whole box full of cucumbers.
So I guess it's time I learned.


rktucson said...

Yum!! Wish I lived by YOU!!

Anonymous said...

Pickles are such a great idea!! ❤️ Sabrina