Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Welcome August

It's a great day to start a new month.
To turn over a new leaf.
To re-start.
To DO.

So this morning I got out of bed and worked out.
(Normally Wednesday is a day off for me...)
But I wanted to start strong.

Then Kyle and I went riding.
It was a BEAUTIFUL morning!

Then I "tried" to watch the Olympics on my phone.
But it was more hassle than it was worth.
So I switched over to the radio.

Rod stopped by Chick-Fil-A (with about 300 other people) to get us some lunch.

It was yummy.
And it was awesome to see so many people supporting their right to have an opinion.
Regardless of what that opinion might be.
(Love the "old hippy/biker" in line right next to "grandpa/grandma")

I was expecting "we are slammed, so take what you can get" food.
But it was high quality.
The chicken breast was moist and juicy; the lettuce was big, fresh, crisp; the tomato was great.

I don't eat there often, because it's off the beaten path I travel each day.
But I might have to go out of my way more often.

Still on "egg watch" though.
Maybe the babies will think today is a good day for THEM to start too!
One can always HOPE.

(Kyle noticed today the "babies" are now the biggest birds in the coop...)

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