Monday, September 10, 2012

Bad Luck

My poor Sister had to go to the hospital over the weekend.
The E.R.

That, in and of itself, is amazing.
We are a pretty healthy family
and don't often end up in the hospital.
Even if the E.R. isn't really "in the hospital".

She fell off her bike when she ran over a root sticking up out of a trail in beautiful Park City.
Sounds like she has a pretty sore clavical.
Which is why she looks like she is doing her best to not reach out and smack the camera out of somebody's hand.  LOL

Notice the bruises on her leg.
That wound would be enough for me.

Case in point.

My ORIGINAL post for today was to document my OWN hospital trip this weekend.
I needed 40 stitches.

I got a paper cut!

In the most painful spot possible!

(Ok, getting 40 stitches for a papercut is a standing joke with Rod and I.)
But now I feel kinda bad.

But it still hurts.

Feel better Soni!

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