Monday, September 17, 2012

I Raised You BETTER Than That!

My Mom and Dad served a couple of missions for our church.
One of them was a year and a half in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

During their mission they didn't watch any TV.

I know...

Near the end of their mission, I was on the phone with my Mom.
She mentioned that since they hadn't seen TV in quite awhile, she was wondering
if there was anything I would recommend checking out.

I suggested West Wing.

There was a pregnant pause.

Then she said, indignantly, "I raised you BETTER than that!"




"Mom.  It's a show about the President of the United States.  You know, The West Wing? 
Of the White House?"
(We're Canadian, but sheesh!)


Oh.  (She says)  I thought you said Wrestling!

I can see where she might be confused.

It's still one of my family's favorite stories!

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