Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Time Warp

I was reading on Facebook during one of my breaks this weekend.
(We take a 10 minute break every hour... love Florida laws!)

I swiped this from "someone".  No earthly idea who.

My students could TOTALLY relate!
(And they enjoyed a good laugh...  We do lots of that in my class...)

Have you ever noticed how in the morning you wake up and look at the clock - it's 6:30.
Close your eyes for 5 minutes.
Open your eyes, and it's 7:45.

Then when you are at school, look at the clock and it's 1:30.
Close your eyes for 5 minutes.
Open your eyes, and it's 1:31.

It was a LONG class.
(Smaller classes tend to be harder - we ranged from 10 students down to 5 at times...)


It's FALL!

How's this for coincidence.
My boss sent me a picture she took from her house last night.

Cool, eh?  If you look closely, it's the same cloud formation.
We took our pictures at almost the same time!
(But obviously I was near the woods and she was by the river...)

Since the weather has been so lovely this week,
Kyle and I got up and took the horses for a ride.
No bugs!!!

The neighbor has a new little white donkey in their pasture with their cows.
It has a fancy name.
Something like Diablo something or other.

Kyle renamed it Snickers.

VERY friendly little guy!
When we rode by it was over in the middle of the pasture with the cows.
But as soon as he saw us, he came galloping over to say Good Morning.

We've gotten lots of mileage out of our latest joke.
Yup, there's a Jack Ass next door again.

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