Friday, July 12, 2013


We have a house full.
Unfortunately, my friend from Arizona
(originally from here)
lost her Dad this week.
So their entire family made the trek down here.

Mom and Dad and youngest daughter drove
down from their new place in Michigan yesterday.
Oldest daughter flew in from Arizona, last night.
Two sons and their wives and kids drove in…
arriving at 4 this morning.

Rod got home at 3.

So it was a busy night.

We have the NOISIEST door on the planet.
It swooshes across the tile floor.
It’s kind of annoying.
Especially since we have folks sleeping on the couch.

Josh, his wife and 2 kids under 2 are in our room.
(The biggest room, the biggest bed, the darkest room…)
Carol and Dayle (Mom and Dad) and youngest daughter
are across the hall in Jim’s old room.
They have the futon and a mattress on the floor.
And a window A/C unit.

Kyle is in his room.

Older daughter and daughter-in-law are on the couch.

I have no earthly idea where her husband is.
Maybe he slept in the van???
They were going to stay at Jim's but it was so late/early...

Rod and I are on blow up mattresses in the office.

We left the gate (electric) open last night
so folks could come in as they hit town.
Which meant, for the first time in YEARS we actually locked the doors.
And my truck.

It was weird.

There’s breakfast casserole in the crockpot.
(well, maybe not anymore… lol)
3 gallons of milk and some SunnyD in the fridge.
And they brought doughnuts.
(Love company bearing doughnuts!)

I’ll call Rod in an hour or so and have him
put a pork roast and some BBQ sauce in another
crockpot for some pulled pork.

I hope to get to see them sometime today.
I have to leave this evening and head south to teach.
I won’t get back until 9 Sunday night.
But I think they are all planning to head home Sunday
after church.

I didn’t take pictures last night,
But really, after driving for 18 hours
and visiting with grieving family,
who wants their picture taken?

But maybe later today?

Naturally, we have Tropical Storm Chantal
heading in tomorrow.
She has been downgraded,
But will still bring lots of wind and rain.

But in the meantime,
The sunrise was AMAZING this morning.
I love pre/post storm weather.
The sky is so gorgeous
(And the humidity is generally lower).

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