Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Wart Away!

I am always amazed at the body’s ability to heal itself
when you give it the right tools.

I have a wart on the back of my hand.
I’ve had it for months.
But lately it became painful.

Like when I walk into my bedroom and slide my hand
around the door jamb to turn on the light switch,
I touch the wall with the back of my hand
and it feels a little like I got stabbed.

The first time it happened I thought I got bit by something.
It’s a sharp pain.

Sometimes it’s itchy.
But it HURTS to scratch it.

I actually thought it was a skin cancer for a little while.
But nope, it’s a wart.

And, of course, you have to have those babies burned off.
And that HURTS!

(I really wish I had taken a picture…)


Two nights ago I soaked a cotton ball in some
unpasteurized apple cider vinegar.
Stuck it on the wart and covered it with a band aid.
And went to bed.

The next morning I took it off, dabbed it with a little
more vinegar and headed to work.

It was a little itchy during the day
But not more than usual.

Last night I did it again.
It woke me up a couple of times in the night.
It was ITCHY!
Like fresh mosquito-bite-itchy.
But I went right back to sleep.

When I took off the band aid it looked kind of mooshy.
As the morning went by, it dried out.
And the drier it got, the more the wart core
Was rising up out of my hand.
It was getting taller and taller.
And kind of bugging me.

So I pulled it off.

Now, instead of a wart,
I have a hole.

But it is 100% pain free!
Put some coconut oil on it (anti-biotic)
And by tomorrow I’ll be cured!

No painful burning.
No pricey co-pay.
No taking time off work to go to the doctor.

Anybody got a wart?
I wanna try it again!


Rozann said...

wherein the world did you get unpasturized apple cider vinegar?

Collette said...

WalMart... Heinz makes an unpasturized ACV (with Mother - that's what you call the cloudy stuff floating in there...) You can also get Braggs UACV at a health food store. WalMart is constantly sold out, so when they get some in, I buy 2 bottles. I'm working on making my own though... a blog post for another day, I guess.

Rozann said...

cool, thanks!