Thursday, September 14, 2017

Back to Normal

We are all back to normal again.

Not that we veered that far off course anyway.
But there is always that little kernel
of stress hiding deep in your belly
when there is a giant, history making,
record breaking, red and yellow
blob heading your way.

However, the boards are off the windows
(at least the windows we take them off of)
although they aren't yet put away.
(Jose is still churning out there.)
We won't put them away until hurricane
season is officially over.
November 1st.
Circle the date on your calendars!
(Not really, it winds down pretty quickly
in October...)

Yesterday Kyle took the rest of the shutters
off Linda's house (did the 1st floor on Tuesday
and the 2nd floor yesterday) in preparation for
her flying in today from Utah.
Spent the rest of the day picking up branches, etc
and then raked her large front yard.

Didn't want the house to look un-inhabited.
As usual, there are unsavory characters
bouncing around looking for empty homes
to break into.

After work yesterday Rod drove up to New Smyrna
and picked up the feed for the month.
He usually does that on a Saturday, but
he and Kyle will be heading somewhere for the 
weekend to assist in the cleanup efforts.
(They don't know yet where they will be assigned.)
(They thought they were heading south west to Sebring,
but there has been talk about Naples and even
Jacksonville...  Doesn't matter, it's all the same.)

I'm teaching this weekend.
My classroom in West Palm Beach survived
the storm and got power back on Tuesday.
I emailed all 51 registered students and even
got a couple of RSVPs.  (never happens!)
As long as I have 5 humans in the room,
class will go forward.

I also discovered there is a Costco just a couple
of blocks from my school!  (Off the main road,
so I hadn't seen it... I only travel between my
school and my hotel - my 3 restaurants are located
in that small square as well... I'm not very adventurous
after a long day in the classroom.  Even with GPS.)
Although THIS weekend might not be a great time,
I do plan to drive over one evening and check it out!
Costco has WAY better stuff than Sam's.
(Including the soap Kyle fell in love with using in 
Sondra's Heber upstairs bathroom and has been
trying to duplicate ever since...)

They also carry Rodelle baking cocoa - but only
in the fall for the Christmas baking season.
I buy it on Amazon, it's the BEST (even better
than GASP Ghiradelli!  Never thought I'd say that!)
It's a better price at Costco too!


We are doing well.
Life is getting back to normal.
(Although the girls cut back on laying 
a little...or they are hiding their nests
out in the pastures somewhere...)
(Discovered SEVERAL holes in the wire,
and watched them hop in and out like it was
something we put there for their convenience.)

The wire needs to be replaced.
But we are planning to move the whole
thing to the back.
I hate to spend the money to fix it when it's 
going to just be temporary.
But I'm losing money if they are laying
somewhere that I can't find.

And I'll leave you with that.

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