Thursday, September 28, 2017

Couldn't Wait....

It's end of month.
And end of fiscal year.
And being closed for 2 days for
Hurricane Irma
put us a little over $1M behind budget.

Management is FREAKING OUT!

I post the biggest insurance carrier we have.
Last week's payment was all messed up.
I got the $ on Thursday, but the files
came over corrupted.
Then on Friday we got new files.
Still corrupted.
Then on Monday we got correct files.

So the push was on.
Could I get it all posted before this
week's payment arrived?
(NO question... lol)

The money came on Wednesday.
A BIG amount.
(Not enough, but still pretty darn good.)
Now... files?

Management (various representatives)
"dropped by" repeatedly during the day
to check on the status.

I will tell you when it gets here!
I DID get a tiny file,
but the big 1.3M file was still a no-show
by the time I left Wed evening.

Thursday morning (this morning)
I was here bright and early and so was my file!!!

But that's not good enough.
Here comes management.
 Management:  Did we get the file?
Me:  Yes.
Them:  What does it look like?
Me:  Pretty big.  186 pages with about
450 interest entries.  I'm looking at 4 - 5 days
to get it all posted.
Them:  So will you have it done by month end?

Me:  Pause.  You know month end is tomorrow, right?


This is what my days look like.

An hour or so later, I got called into Managment's office.
We need to know if you can get it posted by end of month.

Me:  NO!

Them:  What if we hold off on the interest entries?
Me:  I could probably get it done then.
Them:  If you don't get it done by tomorrow, could
you come in on Saturday and finish it?

Me: Yes.  But I should probably tell you now...
This is my 2 week notice.

Looks of total shock / disbelief.
Not sure if my manic grin looks like
I'm kidding or if I'm just insane.

After convincing them I'm serious
and October 13th (yes, Friday the 13th)
really IS my very final day...
I headed back to my desk.

As I came around the corner to where all
my co-workers are waiting to see what happened,
I said... So.  I should probably tell you now.

I just quit.

It was SO worth it!

So... I'm here late this evening, working on
getting this monster posted.
Mostly because there was a wreck on the highway
and it's a traffic jam for about 2 miles.

Sit here (and get paid) or sit out there.
NO duh.

And tomorrow I can just come in and not worry
about what I'm going to say and how I'm going
to say it.

I feel 10 pounds lighter!
(Now if I just LOOKED it!  LOL)

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