Thursday, September 21, 2017

Chicken Pox

My chicken coop has the pox.

I took a sick day from work.
The chicken coop needed work!

If you look closely, there's a GIANT gap between
the board and the bottom of the chicken wire.
And that chicken right there is getting ready
to flew the coop!

The girls just hop on out whenever they feel like it
and I'm pretty sure they are laying eggs
SOMEWHERE out there!
(And there's too many sneaky places for me
to find them...)
Plus the dogs find them and eat them.

So I fixed it.

See my tools?
Yes, I used an air compressor
and a power staple gun.

It was FUN!

And now there are no giant gaps.
The girls are contained.

Mission accomplished!

1 comment:

rktucson said...

sweet, I love using those big tools! Nice job!