Wednesday, August 15, 2018


It's just Wednesday.
The day after Rod's birthday.
The day the Trim Healthy Poddy is released.
(They do a weekly podcast, I listen to it
while I stand at the sink and wash eggs...)
The day I stand at the sink and wash eggs.

This morning I sat in my chair and started
my morning workout video (which I am 
LOVING, by the way)
and my text message notification went off.
(Mine is a door bell because it freaks Beau out.)
(I'm a mean Mommy)

It was Nancy!
We texted back and forth for a few minutes
and then gave up and picked up the phone.
Had a nice visit!
Until she walked into a spider web.
(Ahem - did you LIVE????)

As soon as I hung up, Kyle called.
He was having some truck issues and needed
a sounding board. I'm good at listening.
Mostly because I just listen.
I don't try to diagnose or fix.
Cuz I have NO IDEA what he's talking about.

We had a nice visit until Linda, her daughter Gina,
Son-in-law Colton, and new granddaughter, Lucy
showed up at the ranch.
They were there yesterday! And they are there
again today! Who knew!
Hopefully they have a nice visit and he gets a handle
on whatever is wrong with his truck.
He's coming home tomorrow - so will probably
spend the weekend working on it.

THEN I sat down in my chair and did my workout.
Just an hour or 2 late.
But that's ok, I loved chatting with family!
(Somewhere in there I fed all the critters too....)

They were happy.
(The critters)

Roxy was running around under my feet 
and didn't make the picture.

The brown cow and Beau were playing together.

They like each other.
They both have rubber noses.

This is Beau's other favorite place.
(Well, this is the cow trough, he is equally fond 
of the horse trough...)

This is what we do for fun during the day.
Just hang around in the cow pasture,
visiting the animals,
sitting in the shade (or the water,
as the case may be...).

Hope your Wednesday is as happy and peaceful!

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