Wednesday, January 23, 2019

More Kitchen Fun

I'm finally getting this kitchen stuff figured out.
I worked at Town Hall yesterday until 4.
And then I came home and made a cheesecake.
In my pressure cooker, of course.
I haven't taken it out of the fridge yet.
Otherwise I would have eaten a piece for breakfast.
(which would be ok, but I really wanted my
fried eggs and okra. I'm a little addicted...)

Bet you can't guess what's for lunch!

Last week in the midst of all the other
busy busy stuff I was doing...
I made rolls.

REAL rolls.
With yeast.

Using some sprouted wheat flour.
So they are ON PLAN!
(And yummy!)

These are called 30 minute rolls.
And they literally take 30 minutes.
Including BAKING!
Like, in 30 minutes you have rolls!

Terrible picture.
But you use your bench knife to cut the ball
into 12 equal pieces.

Like that.

I baked them on parchment paper.

They were DELICIOUS!
The recipe calls for honey to bloom the yeast
and the honey I had is really really strong flavored
so my rolls are really honey flavored.
I'm going to get some more mild honey
before I make them again.

They were fun, easy, and I felt SO accomplished!

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