Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Oops - Butterflies

Trim Healthy Mama uses a butterfly as
a logo / mascot. Because we are ALL
on the journey of becoming our best selves.

I was wandering around on Amazon and
found a super cute little kit where they send
you caterpillars, they grow, make their cocoons
and then become butterflies.
All in this nifty little "house" so you can watch.

I thought it would be a perfect gift for Sabrina.
Something to enjoy while she was off school
for the winter break.

However, they sent it a week early.
It was supposed to arrive 12/24.
But it showed up 12/17!

They said, don't worry about it, just put
the caterpillars in the coolest room in your
house and they will be fine for Christmas.

Ok, except this is Florida.
And we were in a heat wave.
Like 85+.
There aren't any cool rooms in my house.

I put them in the back bedroom.
The windows have black-out curtains because
that was the room Scott was staying in and since
he worked until midnight, I didn't want the sun
streaming into his eyeballs early in the morning.
It keeps the room a little cooler, too.

I put them back there.
And forgot about them.

Until this past Sunday when we were taking
down the Christmas decorations.
I had some extra stuff in that room, stuff I got
out but ended up not using.
(We went SUPER minimalist - I loved it!)

And THERE were my little caterpillar cups!
Full of cocoons!
Looked up the instructions and it said they
would be butterflies in about 7 - 10 days.
Which was going to be Monday.

Sure enough!
Monday rolled around and we had a BUNCH
of pretty little butterflies!

They stood around on my hands until
their wings dried.

And then they unceremoniously flew away.

It was kind of fun!

I even saw one later, hanging out on the roof.

I'm going to order another batch of caterpillars
and give it to Sabrina.
I still think she will enjoy it!
(And it will be WAY more fun if they aren't 
hiding in the back bedroom in a tiny cup...)

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