Thursday, September 12, 2019

Its Thursday

It was a BUSY, TIRING, but fun day yesterday.
You saw all the great pictures on FB that
Rod took. He had a good time helping us
and it was great that he got to see us "in action"
so he has some idea what we are talking about.
I was grateful he was there to work his gate.
Sometimes you just NEED 3 sets of hands!
(well, feet!)


On the way home we stopped at Rural King
and got a car load full of horse feed, so our
feed room is now all loaded up and I feel so much
better! Especially with another storm on the horizon.

The feed prices are so much lower up there!
We got $151 worth of food for $128!

So anyhow.

When we got home we unloaded all the feed,
fed the horses, cows and dogs and then
it was dark.
And late.
And so we hopped in the car and went to 
Waffle House for ... wait for it... a waffle.
It was yummy!
I haven't eaten a normal waffle in YEARS!

This morning I woke up to the TV cable broken.
The website said it was out all over and they were
working on it.
So I went outside to feed the animals and Buddy 
was laying down in the pasture.
He eventually got up and wandered into his stall
where he sniffed his food and laid down again.
So I got him out. I don't like them down in their
stalls - too easy for them to get "cast" (code for stuck)
and also if the worst happens, hard to get them out.

So I took him out and put him in the shade by the
water trough - and down he went.
I put a bucket of wet alfalfa for him.
He nibbled a tiny bit but went down again.

When I let the horses back out, he followed them
to the back and then I had to leave to do a NARA.
(Needs and Resource Analysis)
Naturally I got a text from my farrier that he was
actually going to be on time for a change and was
just heading to my house.
That NEVER happens.
So I explained about Buddy.
He and his wife Jamie did Andy and CJ,
said Buddy was down the whole time.
They were gone by the time I got back.

Meanwhile, Jim took care of the dogs for us
while we were out of town, and as usual,
Beau was ANGRY about it all.
He refused to come back in the house last night
and also refused to eat.

This morning he was happy to see me, but still
refused to eat and VERY suspicious about coming
inside - sure I was going to leave him again.
(Which I promptly did - see above... lol)
He seems to have forgiven me a bit now though.
He finally ate a little bit of his breakfast.
(Not spoiled AT ALL!)

So anyhow.

Naturally the horse drama is happening on a Thursday.
It always does.
Our little calf that died - died late Wed night.
Needed to be buried on a Thursday.
A couple of weeks ago I was sure Andy was going.
On a Thursday.
And naturally today is Thursday.


Thursday is the day that all the city people
(no animal experience / knowledge)
come to Brock's next door to get their 
organic food orders.
Generally I put the horses up in the front
yard so they are out of sight
(but also folks can't reach over the fence and
feed them ... whatever they can find to feed them...)
Not today though.
Rod will be home in another hour or so.


I just burned my lunch.
So my house smells like burned cabbage.

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