Sunday, May 10, 2020

Happy Mother's Day!

The menfolk worked all day!
And look what they finished!

They built an awesome enclosure around the
rabbit / duck hutch (we will put chicken wire
around the bottom in the future to keep the
ducks in and the dogs OUT).
Well, and a GATE. Hahahaha.

From inside the cow pasture, looking out to the garden/house

 They also took down the existing OLD fence and
replaced it with nice, new 4-board fence!
Now we don't have to worry about the cows pushing
their big fat heads through to eat the grass 
and breaking the boards!
(And getting out and eating Kyle's roses and fruit trees!)

From inside the cow pasture, looking over to the rabbit hutch

 SOMEBODY isn't happy about the new developments.

Hey! What's the DEAL?

But then they went right back to their favorite
activity. "I'm stronger than you are!"
(Well, favorite except EATING and laying
in the shade chewing their cud...)
Beau likes to get in on the game.
But yesterday he got trompled on.
His leg is better today, but let's hope he 
learned his lesson!
(He's a bulldog. Not likely!)

Thanks guys!!!!
You did an awesome job!
(As always!)

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