Monday, October 5, 2020

Bad/Good News

Friday Kyle picked up his new Fecon mulcher head.
You may remember it has the wrong fittings and
won't connect to his skidsteer.

This morning he talked to his "guy" over at Cat
and he said to bring it on over and they would
take care of it.
But then he got a phone call from his 
partner/mentor Travis who said he just got a
Stop Work order on the house he is building
because he doesn't have a culvert under the 
driveway - the house actually doesn't need one...
but the inspector said he needs one... so...

Kyle was already loaded up, so he drove over,
met Travis' wife and put in a temporary
"place holder" culvert - in the POURING rain.

Then he headed over to Cat.
And they said his machine was DIRTY
and he either needed to take it home and wash it,
or they would do it for him, but charge for it...
so back to the house...

Took him an hour to unload it, wash it, and
reload it on his trailer.

They said he had to leave it there since there
were 4 other guys in line ahead of him.

He got home, and was HUNGRY!
However, I was out and about (WalMart and Lowes)
and I already stopped at Sonic for a breakfast burrito.
So he jumped in his car and went to Chick Fil A.
Got home, sat in his chair, ate his fries, and
Cat called and said his machine was ready.
(He NEVER gets to eat his Chick Fil A sandwich,
he ALWAYS gets called to do work...)

So the bad news was he had to take today off
in order to deal with this little glitch.

But when he went to pick it up, Jerry (his guy)
said that upon looking at the serial number on the 
mulcher, its not the one he thought it was.
He thought it was a 3 month old machine.
But turns out its closer to a year old.
The warranty runs out in February.

So... they knocked another $1,000 off!
And changed his fittings for free!

So that's the good news.
(He will probably buy a different one in
January... depending on how much he has
used it and how many hours he has on it...)

Good news prevails!


Also in the good news / bad news department.
Our Stake President dropped by to visit with us
Sunday morning before Conference.

After almost 5 years, he extended a release to Rod
from his calling on the High Council.
He was the very last "original" council member,
so we knew it was coming, but still comes with a 
little sadness - end of an era.
He has learned and grown from this opportunity.
But on the other hand, what with working 2 jobs right now,
traveling 50 miles (one way) for bi-weekly HC meetings
was going to be difficult.
They are going back to "live" meetings this week,
so they invited him to attend as his last meeting.

In between conference sessions, Kyle pulled a bunch of the
"wildness" out of his flower bed.

His marigolds and nasturtiums are looking good.
He actually planted 5 nasturtiums in some of 
the other beds... 

And we are getting zinnias!
(And FINALLY a purple rose...)

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