Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Okra Forest

 I harvested from the "okra forest" this morning.

It's more than I've BEEN getting, but not
as many as I WANT...

I'm on an oatmeal for breakfast kick right now,
so I've been cutting it up and flash freezing it.

My gallon bag is probably 2/3 full...
(I don't freeze it everyday... sometimes I EAT it!)

Kyle's wild child (flower bed) survived the heavy pruning.
It looks really good this evening!

Monday we did a thing.
We put in stakes and strings for the tomatoes.
They are "indeterminate" which means they can keep
growing as tall as you support them...
We are hoping they get MUCH taller (and fuller).

This is how I like to see our farm.
Pretty chickens in the green grass
(and a couple of naughty ones on the fence!)

And the other animals all eating their dinner.
(With a chicken audience to catch the "drips"...)

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