Sunday, October 25, 2020


 I can't believe I didn't do a post for
Mom's Birthday!!!!!
(Thanks Rozann!!!)

How many years have I been doing birthday posts?

It's not that I didn't spend the ENTIRE day
thinking about her and excited to get to see
her on the family call...

I just have gotten really lax about my blog lately.

*fun fact... the last three posts were actually
all written at the same time and set to
publish later during the week... so I haven't
actually even been on my blog in a week.


So,.. Here we go... only a week late.


While we have all been stuck at home
for MONTHS and MONTHS (going on centuries)
she has been brightening everybody's days
and weeks with actual SNAIL MAIL.
I have a wonderful collection of her
printed out cards with pictures from our
childhood and a wonderful note inside.

It makes my day when I make the trek out
to my mailbox and there's an envelope
with Mom's distinctive "Palmer Method"
handwriting on them.

And then, suddenly there started to be 
little packages!
With the most wonderful necklace/bracelet
sets! Luckily I'm back at work over at the
Town so I have someplace to wear them!
(And the ooohs and aaaahs are fun!)

That is my Mom in a nutshell.
She has always been about bringing small
bits of joy to other's lives.

Whether its bringing a plate of cookies 
to a neighbor.
Setting up a neighborhood "get together"
in the middle of the cul de sac,
a "tea party" to bring the folks in her community
together for an opportunity to get to know each other...
She is always thinking of others.

Bringing joy, happiness and meaning to others' lives
is what her life mission has been all about.

And knowing Mom, she won't let a little thing
like a "pandemic" slow HER down!
(Nor the "little procedure" she is having tomorrow...)

We are all praying for and with you Mom!