Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Getting Ready

 The time is counting down!
And I'm busy (hahahaha) getting ready.
I colored my hair.
That's it.

But I've been thinking about what I'm
going to wear / pack / etc.

I bought a cute little purple suitcase that
goes UNDER THE SEAT in front of me!
So I don't even have to try to lift it into
the overhead bin thingie!

It's not very big.
But should be big enough.
Since we aren't going anywhere...
I'm wearing my jeans and packing
shirts and undies.
That's all.

Oh, and my computer so I can teach,
but it has a handy insert that will hold my
laptop securely and safely.
Nifty, eh?

Guess I need to bring my teaching shirt too.
And earrings.
I can't teach without earrings.
It's my "Dumbo Magic Feather".
(Yup, she's weird...)


The vet was supposed to come out today to look
at Buddy and verify he's old.
But he got called out on an emergency,
so hope he'll be able to come tomorrow.

If not... well we'll cross that bridge when
it gets here.
I'm not worried.
(My Town Manager thinks I should just blow the
whole thing off and let them try to cite me.
I don't think I'll do that.)

I'll be back on again tomorrow.
But now I just got home from work and I need
to eat some lunch!
And get ready to teach this evening.

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