Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Rainy Days

 It POURED rain.
A couple of times today.

I was very grateful Kyle was playing
Driving Miss Daisy so he could drop
me off and pick me up right at the door.
It was HANDY!
(And dry...)

I could almost not SEE my desk under the
piles and piles and piles of things that
needed to be caught up on after being 
gone for a short THREE days...
(I only work Tues and Thurs)
so I had lots to do.
And I felt appreciated.
Nice to know they "can't live without me..." 


Beau NEVER watches TV, so when I caught him
studying the Instant Pot (food you know...)
on a YouTube I was watching, I had to snap a pic.

Don't know if it was the pictures of the food
or the man's voice that captured his attention,
but I thought it was funny.

I have been busy knitting.
I always enjoy it!
And then I finish a project and don't pick
up another one for a good long while
and then I wonder why I quit!

The other day Kyle picked up some really nice
yarn for me to make him another new 
LONG TV watching blanket.
He likes to be able to stretch it from his feet
to his chin (and wrap it UNDER his feet).
And then he turns on his window A/C unit
and it nearly snows in his room.
And he is a HAPPY MAN.


I'll take a picture when I get it done.
(Gotta finish the baby blanket first.
Who knows, SOMEBODY somewhere might need
a cute little pastel colored baby blanket... 
Surely there has to be at least one pregnant
sister in our ward...)

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