Monday, March 14, 2022


 Today is Nancy's birthday!!!!

If I do the math right
(and I rarely do...)
this is a big one...

We all got together last August to celebrate Dad's big birthday.
Nancy and Reid were both fighting being sick,
so I didn't get to see as much of her as I would have liked,
and we didn't take ANY pictures!!!!!
(I'm so bad at that.)
(I'm heading out again in 2 weeks.

She'll kill me for this one.
Because she isn't grinning so much as gritting her teeth.
But at least I cropped out the rest!

And here is her partner in "gritting / grinning".
They are so cute!
(And STRONG!!!)

But she is strong in more than just her muscles.
She has amazing strength of character.
She knows what she believes and she lives it.
She knows what she loves and fights for it.
She knows WHO she loves and fights for them.
She knows who SHE is and has finally learned to
fight for herself!!!
She is strong in her beliefs.
She is strong in her love.
She is strong in her family ties.
She is strong in her fight for others.

And yet with all that strength, she has incredible softness.
She finds joy in the simple things each day.

She IS the feathers she so loves.
(And draws so well!)
Soft, pliable, beautiful.
Yet able to lift to greater and greater heights.

And she is my big sister.
I love you Nanc!
Happy Birthday!

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