Monday, April 25, 2022

Good Monday Morning!

 It's a beautiful morning here in Florida!

Yesterday was Branch Conference in one of
our Stake's little branches in a town called

It was a nice couple of meetings.
Primary is 10 kids total and there were only
2 adults (plus we 4 from the Stake...)
Part way through singing time the Stake Pres
stuck his head in the door and called out
the Primary President so they could set
apart her family member.

So, Amber (St Pri Pres) took over singing.
The Primary President was using the app on her
phone for the music, but Amber didn't have
that loaded, so I sat down at the "piano".
(Electronic keyboard thing...)

We taught them "I Often Go Walking" 
for their upcoming Mother's Day.

After Primary the Primary President
(also the Branch President's wife)
was in charge of putting on a sack lunch 
(buffet style) for everybody.
She is an amazing woman.

We grabbed our lunches and Rod and I headed home.
I got to drive his new little truck.
It's a really nice truck!
Drives really well.

On Saturday, Rod and Kyle went to our local
annual tree sale and picked up 7 new trees!
2 Haas avocado
2 mango
2 peach
1 ice cream banana!

And then they went up to Mims (an hour+ north)
to Rod's brother's blueberry farm.
We had reserved 4 boxes (20 pounds) of
pre-picked blueberries.
They are DELICIOUS, as always.

So now the fridge is full of blueberries.

And so is my breakfast bowl
of yogurt and berries.

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