Saturday, April 23, 2022

Pasta King!

 We decided to try our hand at making
homemade pasta!
We've been watching Master Chef Australia
and they all make it....
it looks easy!

So we found a recipe and away we went.
I made the dough.
We let it rest for about an hour
while we ran to Walmart to pick up my
new thyroid prescription (I'm WAAAAY too
low now that I can't find my alfalfa pills
anymore - Teresa Tapp passed away a couple
of years ago and her company is still in probate.
I used to buy it from them... And the
company that replaced hers vanished off Amazon!)
And then we picked beans.
(THREE buckets of rattlesnake beans!)

Then Kyle rolled it out and cut it.

And then he hung it up to dry.
We don't have an official dryer.
(Or a cutter or roller - we just used
a rolling pin and a pizza cutter... lol)

He used our fruit tray (minus the top tray)
to hang it, as well as a koolaid jug.

And now..... we are off to EAT it!
(The bits I tasted already are delicious!!!)

I'm thinking its time to hop on Amazon and
get a pasta maker and a drying rack!

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