Wednesday, April 20, 2022


 A couple of weeks ago we had to go to Verizon
to get Rod a new phone.
(His camera cracked and he needed
a new one so he can take pictures
and videos while Kyle is mulching...)

While we were there we learned that LG
doesn't make / support cell phones anymore
so my phone (which still works perfectly)
is no longer safe from cyber criminals.

So we ended up getting TWO new phones.
(Luckily we are OLD so we get the
awesome discount that makes Kyle jealous...)


On our way home, we (all 3 of us) stopped
at the Ford dealership because Kyle saw a
new Ford Ranger on the lot on the way into town
and they wanted to test drive it before
Rod orders his own.

And, as often turns out, one thing led to another...
Turns out they had a really nice,
Cactus Grey Ranger ready to be shipped
to the dealership in another week or 10 days
that the buyer had backed out on and
did we want to just take delivery on that one?
(Sure, IF you give us the same price
for the one we were going to special order...)


Two weeks later, the truck came in.
And she's PRETTY!
And Rod really likes it!
And they gave us the price we asked for.


Rod is the proud owner of a BRAND NEW
Ford Ranger.
First BRAND NEW vehicle he has ever purchased

(I leased the Jetta for me - my expense account
paid for it and he didn't like it so he never drove it...)
We bought the Isuzu Trooper brand new, but 
it was for the family. 
(And that was 35 years ago...)
We will be cleaning up and selling the old
Black Ford 2000 with nearly 400,000 miles on it.
Right now the used truck market is INSANE
and we can sell it for about $2000 more than
we could have last year.
SILLY! But....

He is VERY happy.
And it has a TON of top of the line safety features.
So I am VERY happy.
(Anything that keeps my man safe is good in my book...)

Welcome to the family little truck!

1 comment:

rktucson said...

LOVE it' Congrats Rod!