Sunday, January 29, 2023

Ormond Beach

 So.... here I am at our brand new site.
Ormond Beach is inland of Daytona Beach.
Which makes NO SENSE!
(There is no beach here in this town...)

There is the 24 hours race at the Daytona Speedway
this weekend, so all the hotels were either booked
or charging a RIDICULOUS amount.
(I'm in a crappy little Days Inn and paying
$251 a night!!!!)


We got here and there are 34 students pre-registered.
By this tie we all know that aren't all showing up.
But even if we get half we are in trouble.

My boss ordered tables but they haven't arrived.
The RVP (Regional Vice President) who owns
this site just looks at me like a lost soul.
I talked to him on Thursday and recommended
that if the tables hadn't arrived, he should have his
office manager get on the phone with a Party Supplier
and rent 6 banquet tables.
But he didn't.

So I got there Friday evening and there were no tables.
They DO have a conference room, but it is TINY.

So I took all the big gooshy chairs out and replaced with
with narrower student chairs.
I put two on the end, and 4 on each side.
With me at the top of the table.

The wifi is TERRIBLE and my iPad refused to even
connect with it - said it was unsecured.
My iPad will connect with the unsecured wifi at a hotel!
And WalMart!
But not here!!!
So we had to get creative for the presentation.

And then Saturday morning, the students started to arrive.
And more came.
And more came.
At 8:00 I had 12 students.
(I can only fit 10.)
And then an angel showed up!
Kim is "almost" an RVP and asked if there was
anything she could do to help.
I told her I suggested to the real RVP that he run
to WalMart and buy some tables, but he said he
wouldn't until 1:00.
Which is 5 hours too late.

So she jumped in her car, ran to Sams Club and bought
8 banquet tables, delivered them, set them up and
set up chairs for 15 people (because TWO MORE showed
up while she was gone) and at 9:00 we were able
to move out of the squishy, non-state-compliant
conference room and out into the main room.

Thank goodness!
I don't know if she is going to return them, keep them, ...?
I don't know. I don't care. I am just grateful she bought them!!!

I taught all day Saturday.
Today I'm having the new guy, Tyrone, teach.
This is his first class, so he's struggling a little,
mostly with pace (he's going too fast... but that's
just nerves and he'll settle down...).

Meanwhile, I'm in the conference room.
Listening in, but mostly reading a book.

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