Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Happy Birthday Sondra!

Happy Birthday to my Big / Oldest / Most Seasoned????


Um..... It used to be ok to say Big sister.
Or Oldest sister.
But these days?????



I didn't miss her birthday.
But I DID miss doing a birthday post!
I actually got online to do it,
but honestly, I had a RAGING ocular migraine
and had to rest until I had to teach that evening
and then afterward I just couldn't do one more thing.

But that doesn't mean I didn't think about Soni
multiple times throughout the day!
Hoping she was enjoying a delightful
mug of steaming, creamy hot chocolate.

She got to spend time with her girls!
(Yes, this picture is a thousand years old...)
But I thought a blast from the past would be fun.

2013 looking for venues.

At the fair with Greg, Matt and Littles.

In her beautiful backyard on the trip to move
Mom and Dad to Tucson!

Yup, all years and years ago.
And yes, we try to see each other every year.
And no, we NEVER take good pictures.
I found a great one the other day of the
fun hairstyle we shared one year,
but of course, now I can't find it.

Soni calls me every Thursday morning.
(Well, NEARLY every Thursday... but, life!)
I look forward to our visits.
We have so much fun chatting,
catching up on each other's lives,
or talking about earth shattering stuff.
Like chocolate.

I love my big sister.
She is such a great example of pure love for her family.
And love of life.
She loves what she does.
She loves the people she helps.
She loves where she lives.
She loves LIFE!

And I love her.
Happy (belated) Birthday Soni!


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