Saturday, June 23, 2012

Egg Song

I just uploaded my first video!
I am impressed with myself.

Ok, enough about me.

Rocky laid her first egg in several weeks.

She was also pretty impressed with herself.

There seems to be a lot of that going around.

This is what is known as an "egg song".

You might want to make sure your volume is turned fairly low.

She is LOUD!

I filmed 10 seconds.

She "sang" for 10 minutes.

But at least we have an egg!

Welcome back Rocky....

(Now if you could just mention to Blondie that she should get back to work...)


Rozann said...

Sounds/looks like she has the hick-ups! Haha

Collette said...

That's kind of what I thought too!
She laid another one today - but she was confused. Sang first, then laid her egg... Silly bird.