Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Mega Motivating!

I started the annual 60 Day Challenge with T-Tapp on April 10th. 

Sunday was the final day.  You have to take (horrible) before pictures and then (hopefully amazing) after photos, each time with a newspaper showing the date.  I was in Boynton and had intended to bring my camera and take the pictures in my hotel before school.

But I forgot my camera.  (Sheesh) 

And I didn't pick up a newspaper. 

I was training another new instructor, so instead of leaving the school at 6:45 and getting home around 8:30, I didn't leave until nearly 8:00 and didn't get home until 10.  And then I sat with Kyle and had him tell me all about his birthday and their near-death kayaking trip.  (Lightning, capsize, gators, just a typical Florida kayak trip!  LOL)  (watch the blog tomorrow for THAT story...)

By the time I got into bed at 11:30 I realized I hadn't taken my photos (I could have used a newspaper website on my laptop and taken a picture with that...) but it was just too late.  I didn't care anymore.

This morning I got up and took my measurements anyway.  Just so I would know.



I could tell from my clothes that I was tightening up - but thats pretty impressive!

I'm still fluffier than I want to be.  (Loving this menopause stuff...)  But at least I'm holding my own and heading the correct direction.

My workout schedule for the first 30 days was an average of four 15-minute workouts and one 30 minute workout each week.  The last 30 days I kind of fell off the wagon and was lucky to get 3 workouts each week. 

I'm happy.

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