Friday, June 22, 2012


Today is a special day.
Today is my little sister's birthday.
She is old.
I am not.

We spent our childhood sharing a bedroom.
And a bed.
She was allergic to feathers.
We had feather pillows.
She had nightly nosebleeds.
On MY pillow.

She's the little blond bombshell.....
She was/is an avid sports fan.  Particularly baseball.
She used to dream.
Out loud.
I often slept with a female Howard Cosell.
(clearly I am NOT a sports fan - I can't even spell his name right...)

See?  Baseball hat!
She was also a hockey goalie.
On an all-boy hockey team.
In an all-boy hockey league.
Bet they HATED it when she took off her mask and they realized that dude was a GIRL!

Isn't that the BEST picture???

Yea for Harry Potter birthday parties!
She loaded up a tent, a mountain bike (before they were cool) and food into her Suzuki Samari
and went to the mountains to camp and ride.
MANY times.
(And never got eaten by a bear or ravaged by a random mountain man.)
(My parents went prematurely grey.)

Aren't we a cute family?

She got divorced and then raised an amazing daughter on her own.

Mom and Daughter

She spun the globe and moved to a city where she knew no people.
She had no family.
She had no support.
She had GUTS (and an amazing daughter).

The ever awesome, talented Sam.

She married an amazing human and they are raising 2 daughters and a son together.

Aren't they adorable?  And skinny.  Geez.
She still has guts.
She does TRX.
In Arizona.
(That she does ANYTHING outside in Arizona is amazing!)

Sorry this isn't the world's best!  But it IS Arizona!  LOL
She rides a beast of a bike.
It's amazing.
Even if it's not a Yamaha.

Helmet Head!

She IS Amazing.
(And I love her.)

Happy Birthday Frozie!!!!!


Rozann said...

Thanks Collette! What an awesome tribute on my birthday! I am so lucky to have such a great family! Feel very blessed today!

Jim said...

What a cool lady to have as an aunt! Happy Birthday!