Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Sign?????

I woke up cranky today.
One of my students was sick Sunday.
And several of my co-workers
have been “playing hurt”.
(They come to work sick…)

Yesterday, after bragging I never get sick…
(that’ll learn me…)
I started feeling the old scratch in my throat.

The minute I got home, I took (3) D3’s and
(3) Oil of Oregano capsules.
Another round before bed.

Woke up at 3:30-ish with my throat
absolutely ON FIRE!
Tossed and turned (and drank water)
until about 4:45 and finally
went back to sleep.

This morning it is just the tiniest bit scratchy.

So you would think I would be happy!


Last night I went to our Relief Society
“whatever they are calling it now”.
It was a brief demonstration on dehydrating.
There were only 6 women there.
Our ward is TERRIBLE about attending these.
The sister did a nice job and then we sat
and visited and ate kale chips and jerky.

When I got home I whipped up a quick
jalapeno cheese quesadilla with sliced turkey.
And then Kyle and I watched a little TV
and I headed to bed.

When my throat woke me up,
I remembered I never went back out to close the coops.

Darn it.

Probably the raccoon won’t notice one night.
Probably they are fine.
Probably if they aren’t it is too late.

When my alarm went off and I got up,
the girls were all still asleep.
So I quickly hung their feed and got the horses’
grain ready and in their buckets.

Andy has TERRIBLE manners when it comes to food.
He stands at the gate and bangs and bangs and bangs
with his hoof – basically screaming FEED ME NOW!

Which ALWAYS ticks me off.
But this morning he woke up all the chickens
and they came flying out of their coop.
Which means I have to try to feed them,
In the dark,
With them all surging around my feet.
Hard to do in the light.
A ROYAL PAIN in the pre-dawn.
(And my little miner’s head-light is dieing…)

So I was cranky.

Made him wait and come in last.
Not that it will fix anything.

It rained HARD in the early morning hours
so the pasture behind the barn was under water.
Which meant I had to go through a slippery,
Icky, mud/water puddle/lake to put out the hay.
Which made me cranky.

Everything else went smoothly,
But I was still cranky.
Just enjoying a little tiff.
Sometimes you just gotta blow off a little steam.
At least that’s my story.
And I’m sticking to it.

But when I got to work,
that all changed.

You just CAN’T be cranky when you see this.


See the “end of the rainbow”?
Where the famed pot o’ gold resides?

It’s pretty close to right above the airport.
Where Rod’s new job is.

A sign?

And now I’m not cranky anymore.

(It’s awesome to have a Heavenly Father who loves you…)

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