Tuesday, September 17, 2013

What's Up These Days...


Where aaaaarrrreee yoooouuuu?

I’m here.
I’m just busy.
And boring.

There has actually been lots going on.
I just haven’t blogged about it.

First and foremost.


But we don’t know when he starts.
Or what shift he works.
Or anything else.
So while it’s EXCITING as can be,
It’s hard to get “for-reals” excited.

(And I have that teeny tiny voice in the back of my head
warning that if I talk about it, I’ll jinx it…)
(So this is me, not talking about it…)
(Thanks everybody for your prayers,
sorry to keep you in the dark)

Let’s see.
What else.


At my teaching job we have switched over
to a new system where the instructor is now in charge
of inputting all “walk-in” students and then at the end
of class inputting all their hours for that session.
Also printing our own rosters and certificates of completion.

Which, of course, meant I needed to buy a printer.
I found an inexpensive ($39) HP 1000 at WalMart.
I brought home my work laptop.
Hooked up my printer.

So I called IT to have them sign on as
“administrator”and do it for me.
Except that they don’t work in the evening.
I work 7:30 to 4:00 every day.
So do they.

Rod to the rescue.

He spent over an hour (two days in a row)
messing with IT and my silly brick/laptop
(hey, it was free…)


Thanks Honey!!!

Then, a week ago, he decided it had been
too long since he had last changed my oil.
So he bought all the stuff to change it.

And the tube the dip-stickie thing sticks in
came off in his hand.
(or something like that…)
(I’m a little light on my mechanical stuff since Kyle
took over as Chief Mechanic’s Mate)

Had to order a new dip-stickie tube thing.
And wait til Monday to pick it up.
So I borrowed his Honda and drove down to school.
That’s a fun little car to drive!

(I haven’t driven a Honda since 1977 – Rodney…)
(And we all know how THAT turned out…)
(May he R.I.P.)

I drove the Honda all week.
Rod drove the Trooper.
Without air conditioning.
He is such a good guy!

This past Friday, he finally had a day off and enough
time to get back under the hood.
And under the truck.
And REALLY dirty.

Turned out he practically had to take the entire
truck apart to get this stupid dip-stickie tube thing
It required hours and hours,
much help from Kyle,
many many paper towels,
you know…
Man Stuff.

As the sun went down, I blew a kiss
(He was REALLY dirty)
and jumped back in the Honda.

Saturday he got it ALL DONE.
(And Kyle washed my truck.)


But then, I remembered that the new
company policy states we can’t leave our
class final exams at the school.
They MUST be stored off-site.
So I keep them in a box in the backseat of my truck.
Which was currently 122 miles from where I needed them.

Rod to the RESCUE!

He found them,
took one apart,
scanned it
and emailed it to me!

Thank goodness for my new little printer
(and the extra ream of paper and ink cartridge I
“picked up on a whim”)
(Thank you Heavenly Father!!!)

School was out at 6:50.
I finally finished printing 16 new exams at 9:30.
But I had good music to listen to.
(Yup, The Piano Guys)
And was ready to go on Sunday.

There’s other stuff going on too…
but this is long enough.
Stay tuned.
I might even talk about it tomorrow!

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