Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Chicken Lady

My family calls me The Chicken Lady.

We now have nearly 60 chickens.

They follow me everywhere!

They especially love it when I am feeding the horses.
The horses often "spill" their feed.
And the girls clean it up.
I've definitely noticed fewer flies since I've been letting them out.

This is a TERRIBLE picture of me.
The angle makes me look like I weigh 200 pounds.

I generally toss them a little "scratch"
while I feed everybody and get their
fermented feed ready.

It's a little like giving the kids a snack while 
fixing dinner.
Otherwise they are under my feet.

There's not enough room for all of us in the feed room.

This little white girl with the black face
is our new silkie, Fluffy.
She's SUPER shy.
Very flighty.
Hard to get near, and certainly
hard to take pictures of.

Next to her is our new Easter Egger.
Cleverly named Bunny.
She has been laying a blue egg about every other day.

Pearl (our Pearly White Leghorn) lays the
stark white egg on the top left.
The first time I thought it was a joke!

We don't name all 60 girls.
Just the unique ones.

The weather has been a LITTLE cooler this week.
With slightly lower humidity.
We've gotten a few more eggs each day.

Yesterday we got 35!
Today's haul was 30.

I have 15 dozen to sell.
I'm hoping to get another 2 dozen tomorrow.
I take them over to the CSA on Wednesday evenings,
so we should be able to sell 17 dozen.
Not bad!
Especially since their chickens still aren't laying well...

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