Monday, September 9, 2013

Peanut Butter


I honestly didn't think it would work.
Which is why I didn't take any 

But here's the after...

I took a jar of plain, roasted, unsalted peanuts.

Like these.
Actually it WAS these.

They went into the food processor.
And we (Kyle was my helper) turned it on.

Good thing he was there.
It's pretty thick.
He had to "shake" the machine to keep it moving.

The peanuts turned into little chunks.
Then they turned into concrete.
Then they turned into a big ball.
And FINALLY they turned into peanut butter!

Which I put into cute little jars and stuck in the fridge.

Tastes GREAT!
(But I might add a little Truvia - I'm used to sweeter peanut butter...)
(Thanks Jiff...)

I have a couple of recipes I want to try 
that call for unsweetened peanut butter.
So now I'm ready to give 'em a try...

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