Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Ok, That's Just WEIRD!

Ok, that’s just WEIRD!

I’ve never been good at figuring out the words to songs.
Half the time I have no idea what they are saying.
And the words I plug in make NO SENSE.

But in the big scheme, I’m ok with it.

Like, since 1977.

But several times this week
I have been listening to the radio while working.
(which I do daily – listen to the radio – not work.)
(ok, I work daily too…)


Several times this week while listening to the radio
the garbled words have been crystal clear.
Enough that my subconscious came forward and said
“Oh THAT is what they are saying!”
And then it is promptly forgotten.

But then it happened again.
And again.

It just happened again for, like, the 4th or 5th time
this week.
Not earth shattering.
I can’t even remember the specific songs/words.

But still.
It registered as WEIRD!

And now you know.
(In case there was any question…)

I’m nuts.