Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Things That Make Me Smile

There are LOTS of things that make me smile.

I’ve been thinking about those things lately.

And doing LOTS of smiling…

My guys happily "banding" the juvie birds.
(They got out into general population on Monday.)
Did we count them as we banded?
But I "think" there are 47.

Kyle sitting INSIDE the coop (on a poop-free cinder block)
catching chickens to hand out for banding.

New girls and old girls happily eating together.
Of course there was "some" pecking going on,
but for the most part, they did really well!

Of course, at bed time they didn't know what to do,
so Rod and I carried them 2 by 2 into the
"big girl's coop" and put them on the roost.
(Had to do it again Tuesday night...)

That's a LOT of chickens!
(About 120+)

The Silkies are MUCH happier - but have adopted
the shovel as "their" spot.

Somehow, somewhere, sometime, we managed
to lose a black silkie.
There were 4.
Now there are 3.
They are straight run, so I won't know for awhile
who are boys and who are girls.

(The pennies are all girls...)

We seeded our pastures just before Christmas.
And they are BEAUTIFUL!

Shrek Green!

(There's only one there, but another 5 in the other corner)
Rod thinks two Moms kindled on Monday.
We have 6 in the nest box
and 3 in the corner of the hutch.
None of the 3 survived.
It might have been Lucy's first batch.
Or she's a dud and has never had babies.

I'm thinking maybe next month I'll split them all up again
so we can see who is who and what is what.
It's poor business practice to feed breeders who are not breeding.

But for now (knock wood) looks like we MIGHT
have a new batch growing.

And, of course, what's NOT to love about
juvie bunnies!
The one on the left is Grey Ghost.
She (I HOPE it's a she) is going to stay as breeding stock.
Or a pet.
And sweet.
And docile.
And although you can't tell in this picture,
light grey.

Doesn't Kyle make a great roof rooster?
(He doesn't love getting his picture taken, so turned just as I snapped.)

Naturally, a big ol' bucket of eggs
(with one pretty blue one)
has to make you smile!
(32 eggs in there...)
Good girls!

CJ broke his feed bucket.
Rod did surgery last night.
All better!
(And speaking of all better - CJ's eye is looking much better....)
He was carrying it open with no weeping yesterday.
Of course, it was overcast, so that might be why,
but whatever.  I'll take it!

A happy farm makes a happy farmer.
(with mad picture taking skills...  LOL)

And one other thing.
I can't get a picture of it.
Because it's on the side of the highway.
At night.
In the dark.

But on my way down to teach each weekend,
there's this sign that makes me giggle.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha

Oh how I wish there was also a phone number!
We WANT a used cow!

Have a wonderful day!
It makes everyone and everything beautiful!


Rozann said...

This is a great blog post Collette. Great pictures. And comments. Sam is starting a blog as well. She is nearly ready to begin posting. she has 4 baby bunnies, all still seem to be doing okay. she checks on them daily. She is also hatching 7 eggs. 3 of them are silkies! And she currently has 3 (or 4) layers. One of THEM is a silkie (or at least a small bird... I thought she said silkie! Must be since all the eggs she is hatching are from HER birds!) She has just one rooster, and there are 3 different kinds of eggs in her incubator, so she said HE is really doing his job - with EVERYONE! ha ha ha.

Collette said...

Good for her! Our two roosters come from another farm (I hatched the eggs, but bought them fertilized from another lady) and HER rooster is an Easter Egger. I'm thinking about saving a bunch of Bunny's eggs (get it - Easter Egger = Bunny) and sticking 'em under a broody (if we get one) and seeing if I can get more colored egg layers. Otherwise, I'm going to order 20 Cornish X (meat birds) in February or March and I'll just add 5 or 6 Easter Eggers to my order.

The Mama bunny was in the nest box with the babies this morning, so I didn't disturb them, but last night it looked like I had 6 bunnies who are doing well. (I'm still not touching - I have a stick I use to move the hay...)

I NEED Sam's blog address when she gets it up and running! Can't wait to read it!