Wednesday, January 22, 2014

RIP Ozzy

The brother of Fuzzy

Two of the bestest dogs in the world.

And together again in Heaven.

Last week Ozzy might have had a stroke.
Or a small piece of bone broke off in his middle ear
and caused all sorts of mayhem.

Either way,
every time he moved is head
it induced vertigo or "spinners".
His head would crank almost 180 degrees back
and he would do an aligator roll over and over.

We took him to our vet on Friday.
He stayed through Monday.
They were hopeful he would improve.
But he didn't.
He hadn't eaten anything since Wed.
(He was getting nutrients in his iv.)
So on Monday, we decided to put him to sleep.

Technically he was Jim's dog.
But he was Rod's Little Buddy.
And everyone's "woods walking partner"
even sometimes uninvited!
(He was a master at getting out of the yard,
but unlike Bison, he ALWAYS came back)

Awesome Dog.
He will be missed.

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