Friday, May 16, 2014


What does the word 'Immediately' mean?
Drop everything and do THIS.



I went to my monthly Trails and Greenways
meeting on Monday night.
We had a guest speaker from the FDOT
(Florida Dept of Transportation)
come to talk about the proposed
widening of our main road.

It bisects our town.
And you have to cross it to use
our main Trail Head.
It's kind of sketchy.

He had a Power Point
and nifty charts and graphs.

I had already gone to another meeting
so I knew that they were testing and
planning for 2028.


He said they had done several studies
and there are two intersections
that grade an F.
People get DEAD at these intersections.
FDOT recognizes this and has funding
and plans and is going to address this

(His words.)

So I asked him to clarify.
(Since one of those intersections is MY street!)
He said, proudly, that he was actually on the
committee addressing this issue.
They are on it.
They have the funding.
They have the bids.
They have the plan.
And they anticipate construction beginning....



Working with the government.
Makes everything else, including a root canal
look like a walk in the park.

*by the way... I actually take a little dirt road,
much to Kyle's annoyance
(he is the family truck detailer)
and come out 2 blocks away from the scary intersection.

1 comment:

Rozann said...

Good Grief! 2019?! That's ridiculous... Gotta love the government's version of 'immediately' ha ha (and poor Kyle! ha ha)