Friday, May 2, 2014


All of my red chickens are named Penny.
When you have 60+ it's easier.
(everybody else is Chicken)
(Except the Silkies - they are Fluffy)


One of my Penny girls is quite adventurous.
Several of them have discovered
that they have wings
which means they can fly.
So they fly over the fence each morning
and some of them go back to lay their egg
but many of them don't.

Eight of them lay on top of the feed bin.

But ONE has taken to finding interesting
spots to lay her eggs.

The other day, Kyle said she was in
the garage/dog room.
Just hanging out.
Drinking water.
Eating dog food.
And making herself at home in Duke's crate.

That thing was HARD to get out of there!

But THEN......
the guys left the door open for the day
while they were working on stuff around the farm.

Time to nip this in the bud.

This weekend the guys' job is to extend
the chicken wire another 3 feet above
the existing fence
and teach those girls to stay HOME.

1 comment:

Rozann said...

That is way too funny! !!