Friday, May 30, 2014


My company has made some major changes.
Starting with being bought out.
And then getting new management.

It slowly trickled down to new supervisors.
And then to making up new groups.
I'm still a payment poster.
And I got to keep my supervisor.

But I didn't get to keep my totally
awesome spot in the back corner.

I was all the way around the corner.
Nobody knew I was even there.
It was terrific!

Now I have a new desk in a new spot.

Same computer,
same stuff,
(no light bulbs in the light above my head)
(which is why I have a little lamp)


This is my view.
I now sit just inside the employee entrance door.
Everyone who comes in or leaves
goes by my desk.
I have a cloth divider thingie.
But they all poke their head in
to say "Good Morning".
It's very friendly.

And annoying as heck!

This hermit is being forced out of her shell.

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